Understanding HACCP (You Only Need to Know So Much)
Information overload is a major issue when it comes to HACCP training and certification. Many HACCP certification training courses attempt to cover every conceivable aspect of HACCP, which can overwhelm the average person. Instead, effective training should focus on what each individual needs to know for their role.
Principles of HACCP in a Minute: Essential Food Safety
In the fast-paced world of food production, ensuring food safety is of paramount importance. One of the most critical tools in this endeavour is HACCP, which stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points. Think of it as the language of food safety. In this blog post, we'll break down the essential components of HACCP and how it guides us in keeping our food safe.
Does a New Product Mean a New HACCP Plan?
So you operate a chocolate chip cookie plant. You have all of your prerequisite programs in place (sanitization, packaging, new equipment checklist, etc.), a strong HACCP plan, and your plant functions safely, smoothly, and efficiently. The good news is that your chocolate chip cookies are so popular that you decide to add a new line of cookies!
What is a Vertical Audit?
Internal audits are essential in ensuring the integrity and efficiency of various systems and programs, especially in food safety management. In this blog post, we will dive into the concept of vertical audits—a method that might be new to you, but is incredibly effective in providing a rapid overview of your records. Let’s break it down step-by-step.
Enhancing Your Internal Audit Program: Tips for Meaningful, Efficient, and Compliant Practices
Internal audits are often touted as one of the most powerful programs within a company’s toolkit, especially in an industry like food manufacturing where compliance and efficiency are critical. Yet, it’s not uncommon for teams to find internal audits more painful than productive.
Are Fair Audits A Pipe Dream?
To cut right to the chase, I firmly believe achieving fair audits is not a pipe dream. I've seen enough fair audits to confidently say they’re possible. However, I've also witnessed a significant number of unfair audits, which makes people understandably skeptical about the possibility of achieving fairness during audits.
What Does It Really Mean to be Committed to Food Safety?
Today, we're diving into the true meaning of being committed to food safety, which often starts at the top, with upper management. In this post, we will define management's role in food safety and explore this commitment from a management system perspective.
Understanding the Difference Between Competencies and Training
When we talk about competencies and training, it's easy to confuse the two. They might seem similar, but they are fundamentally different. Often, people expect the outcomes of a competency program to come from a simple training program.